Building Wealth through Passive Income Ideas (Part 1)

Do you want to earn some passive income? We give you twenty practical ideas to help you enhance your financial situation. You may need to invest some money or time to pursue your goals. Before you do choose which one will suit your needs and situation, take time to appreciate the meaning and value of passive income.

Proceeds from passive income streams demand an initial investment and plenty of careful attention at the start. But once you put in the time and the diligent work, the payoff starts to grow and can sustain themselves, providing regular monetary rewards with much-reduced effort in managing the investment.

From the actual personal experience of many people, augmenting to your portfolio the income from passive income sources can serve to enhance your earnings and fast-track your financial objectives in remarkable ways.

And so, if you want to begin cashing in on passive income ideas, arm yourself with these fundamental principles:

What Passive Income Requires

Firstly, let us do away with some misconceptions about passive income. The word “passive” does not mean you merely wait, doing nothing for the income to come. Every passive income source demands at least one of these two requirements:

1) An initial monetary investment, or
2) An initial time investment 

Without at least one of these two, you cannot hope to acquire residual income. There are numerous passive income ideas you can apply no matter what your area of interest or involvement may be.

Passive Income Sources that Require an Initial Monetary Investment

Dividend Stocks – These are proven and reliable sources of passive income. Nevertheless, you need to do a lot of study to determine which stocks are worth investing a substantial amount of money into in order to obtain sizeable dividend returns. Investing consistently into dividend stocks can help you accumulate a significantly large residual income in the long-term.

Investing into the following investment ventures requires opening an account at the most reputable online brokerage in order to reap the rewards you expect:

Peer-to-Peer Lending – P2P lending involves providing loan money to borrowers who normally do not qualify for conventional loans. You, as the lender, have the power to select the borrowers and can also spread your financial exposure to minimize your risk. Two of the most common peer-to-peer lending platforms are Prosper and Lending Club.

Properties for Lease – A great way of gaining monthly income is through leasing out property. To maximize your income potential, outsource the handling of the properties to a competent management firm.

Crowd-funding has become a common way of starting out in rental properties. You can begin investing in real estate for as low as $5,000.

The advantage of utilizing a platform over a DIY approach is that you spend less time and effort in managing the investment.

Money Market Funds or CD Ladders – Creating a CD Ladder demands acquiring CDs (certificates of deposits) from banks in particular increments in order to earn bigger revenue on your money. Banks offer CDs as a low-risk investment but with also a low yield, providing an alternative investment choice for people who avoid high risk levels.

You may consider these popular market funds to gain high yield returns:

Annuities – As a form of insurance product, annuities can offer monthly passive income payments for life. However, before buying an annuity, consult a dependable financial counselor regarding the terms involved, since annuities may vary and do not always provide good returns.

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